Reconstruction sites

The areas in need of reconstruction can be identified by analysing the material, social and cultural factors on which welfare within planetary boundaries are dependent. Materially, natural systems favourable to human life are necessary, both locally and globally. Socially, what is needed are communities and societies capable of taking care of babies, children, adults and the elderly, both sick and healthy. Culturally, a more or less shared understanding of a meaningful life is crucial.

After recognising these dependencies, the next step is to take care of and nurture the necessary elements: ecological systems, communities and cultures. These elements are not abstract but concrete: water, food, warmth, parents and other educators, friends, neighbours, language and thought all need constant care and upkeep in order to guarantee the continuity of individual and social well-being.

The current foundations of socio-economic systems – production and consumption, infrastructure, healthcare institutions, cultural practices, values and desires – are based on the use of fossil fuels and were structured in the context of decade-after-decade growth in GDP and resource use. When these foundations are rebuilt in Finland, a few key areas emerge. These we call the areas of reconstruction.

The goal of reconstruction is that the net emissions of greenhouse gases decline as fast as possible, reaching zero around 2030–2035. Subsequently, carbon sinks will be bigger than carbon sources. At the same time, Finnish use of natural resources (both domestic and imported) will decrease to a globally sustainable level – roughly one third of the average per capita level in 2019. In addition to emissions reductions and decreased resource use, reconstruction has to take into account and adapt to the effects of ongoing climate change.

Electricity and heating

The production of energy is not a value in itself. Rather, energy is needed to promote well-being. As energy production is very resource intensive and causes numerous environmental impacts, the priority is to lower the energy intensity in all sectors and direct the planning and technological development of energy systems so that a maximum amount of well-being is generated by each produced energy unit. At the moment, energy production causes roughly 75 per cent of Finnish climate emissions. Industry uses 45 per cent of energy, heating 25 per cent and transport 17 per cent.

Energy efficiency can be increased by electrifying transport, heating and industry wherever applicable. The energy efficiency of an electric motor can be up to 90 per cent, whereas an average internal combustion engine works with an efficiency of about 20 per cent. Moreover, the energy efficiencies of electricity production and transmission are high. If the electrification of the energy sector, and the efficiency gains through eliminating wasted energy, succeed to the greatest extent possible, the usable energy available to society – that is, exergy – may stay close to current levels even if less energy is produced.

Energy production must shift from fossil sources to non-burning technologies. The most important sources are wind and solar, hydro and nuclear power.

These non-burning energy production technologies have existed for decades. Currently, their development focuses on reducing unit costs, for example, through bigger offshore wind farms. In addition, methods for producing wind power from lighter winds and photovoltaic electricity even during cloudy weather are being investigated.

Completely new forms of energy production, such as fusion power, still need significant work and cannot be expected to mature in the next decade. It is possible to build more nuclear fission power, but the construction of fission plants and development of new types of fission reactors have proven to be slow. Wind and solar power offer the greatest potential, and both are proving to be the most cost effective forms of energy production in many areas.

The main problem in energy production is energy storage. The production of wind and solar power varies according to the weather and seasons. Current nuclear power has limited capacity for rapid adjustments. Hydro power can be used in balancing the production from wind, solar and nuclear, but major new hydro power projects are not possible, at least not in rivers.

On one hand, the transition to low-emission energy production necessitates major investments that inevitably raise energy prices. On the other hand, increased energy efficiency may reduce energy use considerably. By using efficient transport and housing, it is possible to maintain a lower energy bill even if the unit price of energy goes up. In any case, according to the principles of just transition, the increased burden that higher energy prices will have on vulnerable groups must be compensated from the public purse.


Heating of buildings causes about 25 per cent of Finnish emissions. In the Helsinki area, it is nearly 60 per cent. In small cities and areas of dispersed settlement, it is already cost effective to transition to the use of heat pumps with geothermal, ambient air and lakes and rivers as the sources of heat. Oil heating and direct electric heating must be abandoned quickly. Further, in larger cities, the combination of wind power and heat pumps is an effective and nearly emissionless source of heating.

Unfortunately, current low-emission technologies and heat sources cannot guarantee 100 per cent heating service during prolonged periods of sub-zero (Celsius) temperatures. Therefore, cities with district heating require a combination of heating technologies.

The first step is minimising the need for heating, for instance, through better energy efficiency in buildings and limiting room temperature to that recommended by health professionals. The need for heating can also be minimised by so-called smart energy solutions that anticipate and regulate temperatures according to use. The possibility of lowering temperature in some spacious buildings during sub-zero periods should also be investigated in order to reduce peak loads.

In addition, low-emission heating technologies, such as heat pumps connected to various heat sources, require further development. In the long run, small and modular fission plants may also become available.


BIOS (2019). To Continue to Burn Something? Technological, Economic and Political Path Dependencies in District Heating in Helsinki, Finland. Energy Research & Social Science.


Transport produces roughly 20 per cent of all climate emissions. Road transport is responsible for about 75 per cent of these emissions, and private cars produce about 50 per cent of all transport emissions. The most effective ways of cutting emissions are decreasing transport by private cars and electrification. Needless traffic can also be avoided through digital services and remote work.

The least emissions are produced by rail transport. Zoning and city planning can be used to increase the use of rail. Furthermore, attitudes play a significant role. From a health and safety perspective, commuting daily by train, bus and walking makes sense.

Extremely long commutes that are possible only by a private car consume a considerable number of working hours. Thus, commute by private cars does not benefit the society and seldom the driver, either. The drawbacks, however, are obvious.

In cities, a large portion of the land area serves private cars. Freeing this land for more productive use would be beneficial. In areas of dispersed settlement, private cars are often the only option. Development of the transport system should minimise car use in cities and compensate the costs of private cars in areas where there really is no alternative.

Abandoning public transport to the mercy of market competition does not advance or even enable an increase in public transport in areas of dispersed settlement or between smaller cities and population centres. Increasing the role of public transport needs coordinated public support.

1. Energy, transport and construction

The task of diminishing greenhouse gas emissions close to zero is perhaps easiest in electricity production. Zero emission electricity can be achieved by using existing hydroelectric and nuclear plants (including the yet to be opened Olkiluoto 3) and by extensively building new onshore and offshore wind power facilities. Heat can be produced by heat pumps with various heat sources, but district heating may need other heating technologies during winter months. As much as possible, the use of forest bioenergy must be avoided in both electricity and heat production since, compared to fossil fuels, wood burning produces more carbon dioxide in the relevant timespan, causes biodiversity loss via logging and competes with more beneficial uses of forests and wood. All burning, whether the biomass is ancient or new, increases atmospheric carbon levels.

Heavy trucks and private cars are the most difficult sectors in terms of transport. The energy efficiency of traffic and transport must be increased, first of all, by electrifying public transport, road and rail and, secondly, by reducing the need for heavy transport and private car use. Careful planning of city and block patterns and construction of year-round fairways suitable for public transport and bicycles and pedestrians are crucial.

Building houses and other infrastructure generates abundant emissions and utilises substantial resources. Thus, the need for new buildings must be carefully examined: as a rule, existing building stock should first be used, concentrating on maintenance and possible repurposing. If something new is built, the materials have to be low-emission. In practice, that means building with wood. The emissions from concrete and steel building have decreased, but not nearly enough to allow for the continuation of current levels of construction. The recycling of construction materials must be included in the planning phase.

Adaptation to climate change is important in construction, including the maintenance and repurposing of old stock. More frequent flooding, increased levels of humidity and rain, more extreme weather events (e.g. stronger storms, longer periods of cold and hot weather, longer periods of drought and wet conditions) are to be expected, and affect the integrity and usability of buildings.

Transition of the food system

The Finnish food system – including food production, processing, transport, marketing and consumption – will inevitably change due to three factors.

First, the environmental impact of the food system must be diminished. Primarily, this has an effect on primary production, where most of the impact is caused, although decreasing food waste and the corresponding problem of ‘unnecessary production’ in Finland is mainly a task for trade and end consumption. Second, production must be made more resilient in the face of environmental changes. As the precise nature of the changes is hard to predict, a flexible orientation is called for. Third, as the global food system is transformed, the changes will be reflected in Finland in various ways. The division of labour in the current system will change and Finland will be unable to rely on the global food system to the extent that is has done thus far.

In reducing the environmental impact, the key elements are a decrease in the portion of animal production, eliminating the role of fossil fuels as much as possible from materials necessary for production (fodder, fertilisers, fuels, pesticides and other agricultural chemicals), decrease in nutrient leakage, revitalisation of soil nutrient circulation, increase in carbon storage in soils and cutting food waste so that unnecessary production can be decreased.

In Finnish agriculture, peatlands cleared only for the purpose of manuring stand out as a considerable yet easily eliminated source of greenhouse gases. This problem can be addressed quickly.

Adaptation to environmental changes relies on measures such as diversifying the repertoire of cultivars, cooperation between producers and the scientific community in identifying new vectors of disease and pests and developing new methods of cultivation.

Diminishing environmental impacts and adapting to environmental changes are not separate tasks: the food system must be developed with both challenges in mind. Adaptation cannot happen through increased energy and resource inputs. Here, the agroecological perspective, which emphasises knowledge of local conditions instead of universal rules, is key.

Agriculture contains examples of the positive synergies highlighted by the IPCC and other organisations: there are measures that simultaneously help in reaching several of the sustainable development goals, such as environmental, economic and social goals. Important research and expertise on these methods exist in Finland, and Finland should forcefully advance the implementation and dissemination of the results.

The transition implies a full overhaul of agricultural subsidies. The current model is based on subsidies for production and must be replaced by a model that is based on environmental considerations, such as results in decreasing environmental impact and increasing resilience and adaptation. Finland has to support this kind of change in the EU’s agricultural policies, as those policies set the overall conditions for national action.

The transition also demands that producers have the capacities and willingness to engage in learning, piloting and cooperation with, for instance, researchers. This, in turn, means that agriculture must provide a decent livelihood for producers. A great social challenge is increasing the economic rewards for producers while directing production towards sustainability. Economically viable local production does not help much if it is still strongly reliant on animal production and monocropping.

The transition in production also entails a transition in consumption: less demand for animal products and increased use of plant products, more varied products and concentrating on seasonally available ones. As the habits of individual consumers change slowly, key roles in the early phase will be played by public purchases of food, pioneering entrepreneurs, availability of new ready-made and processed products and meals and information campaigns. Advancing the use of local sustainable fish stocks deserves a special mention because, currently, the majority of fish consumed in Finland causes proportionally too much environmental damage.

Changes in the global food system also mean that Finland cannot continue to rely on the current global division of labour. Finland is relatively self-sufficient in food (70–75 per cent), but relies heavily on imports of the materials and energy needed for production. The goal is not full self-sufficiency, as international trade has enriching cultural effects and fairer trade can also help development in poorer countries. Some international trade in food is also ecologically rational – but such rationality should not be confused with the kind of efficiency that is determined by labour prices and differences in production costs due to lax environmental regulations. For instance, a lower level of energy use is not a sufficient reason for imports if the energy used is produced with more pollution or if the production, on the whole, causes loss of biodiversity, loss of arable land or water scarcity.

Climate change and other environmental and natural resource problems are damaging the prospects for food production in many areas of the world. Many current export countries will have to concentrate more on feeding their own populations. This will affect how much Finland can rely on imports. The global market will not offer as much surplus food as before. Raising the level of self-sufficiency and more varied national production will have significant effects on regional and local development. Instead of a poorer and emptying countryside, the future may bring regional and local revitalisation, as more varied and economically viable agriculture requires more human labour. Alongside urbanisation, there will be a rejuvenated countryside, which will also lay the foundation for a new relationship between cities and the countryside – including a more equal and respectful cultural encounter between the two.

A sustainable national food system presupposes a sustainable global food system. Therefore, international leadership by Finland is called for, for example, in the institutions of the EU and the UN. Connecting environmental issues with questions of food security and prevention of hunger and poverty are also essential for rich countries, since the stability of food systems in poorer countries directly affects, for example, urbanisation, population growth and migration.

2. Food and agriculture

The Finnish food system faces three simultaneous challenges: decreasing the environmental impact of production and consumption, readjusting production to climate change and adapting to changes in the global food system.

There are three main pathways to decreasing the environmental impact. The first is a decrease in animal production. This does not mean an end to animal production: animal production on a smaller scale is easier to integrate with plant agriculture in a way that turns production residues (e.g. manure) into useful resources (e.g. raw material for biogas). Second, the use of fossil-dependent materials (e.g. fertilisers, chemicals, fodder) must be minimised. Here, the improvement of nutrient cycles and supporting soil fertility are key elements. The third main measure is the elimination of food wastage both in trade and end consumption.

The best way to increase resilience is to shift from current practices of cultivating only a few species into a more varied cultivation and husbandry. More varied national production and consumption will also help to decrease the negative impacts that Finnish food consumption has outside of Finland. The research and development of, and support for, suitable agroecological methods require coordinated public efforts. This kind of production also requires more human labour than the current model, thus creating support for a sustainable revitalisation of the countryside.

Since the circumstances of food production will inevitably deteriorate in many areas of the world, including some key production areas, the Finnish food system cannot continue to rely on surpluses in the international market. Nonetheless, the goal is not full self-sufficiency but an increase in sufficiency also with regard to the materials needed for production. Finland must work actively within the EU and UN in favour of an agricultural policy that is more ecologically sustainable, more just and, crucially, that supports the food producers in the poorest areas of the world.

Use of forests

Forests have a decisive role in Finland both regarding the economy and climate change and biodiversity. The overall transition cannot succeed without a successful transition in forest use.

A tolerable compromise must be found between the various economic, social and cultural interests within ecological boundaries. As national policies have for decades had a decisive role in how forests are managed, the guiding principle of ecological reconstruction – a transition coordinated and largely financed by the government – is especially suited to the case of forests.

Given the considerable expertise in Finland, the economic utilisation of forests should be developed towards long-lasting products. Finland has excellent possibilities for forest management and forest industry practices that increase the uptake and storage of carbon much better than the current profile of forest use. Labour intensive tasks in forestry that aim for carbon sequestration and storage, such as reforestation and forest restoration, also offer new job opportunities.

Although forest growth has improved, the levels of annual harvesting cannot be increased. If the decisive role of forests as carbon sinks and storages and loci of biodiversity is undermined, the other sectors of the national economy will have the impossible task of picking up the slack. If the carbon sink of the forests decreases, emission cuts in other sectors must be increased. If the decrease is radical, the other sectors will be unable to cope with the increase.

Current annual harvest levels are close to the (optimistically) estimated maximum replacement level. In terms of biodiversity, the current levels are clearly unsustainable. The 2018 assessment of threatened species estimated that 76 per cent of forest biotopes are threatened and 21 per cent are vulnerable. The unsustainable use of forests is the main reason why Finland has not achieved its goals as a signatory to the Convention of Biodiversity.

As the Finnish Climate Change Panel concluded in a recent study, projections of forest growth and the development of carbon sinks and storage have to be based on the use of more than one scenario, model or modelling tool. All models consistently show that the loss to the carbon sink is greater than the harvested amount. As the role of carbon sinks will grow both nationally and internationally, it is not possible to shrink the sinks without creating inordinate burdens on other sectors of the society.

However, carbon sinks are of major importance in binding emissions. According to the above-mentioned study by the Finnish Climate Change Panel, if the level of harvest was halved to approximately 40 million m3 from the current roughly 80 million m3, during the years 2021–2050, forests would accumulate as much carbon as the rest of the sectors would emit if they maintained current emission levels. However, there is no need to go to this extreme, as the other sectors are capable of quick and significant emission cuts.

The forest industry can be divided roughly in three: the mechanical industry (saw mills), chemical wood industry (pulp, paper, liner, etc.) and bioenergy. Out of these, the chemical sector is by far the biggest, both in terms of the amounts of wood that it uses and the monetary value created. As harvesting levels cannot substantially increase, the portion used by the chemical sector must decrease in favour of the mechanical sector. At the same time, the proportion of longer-lasting products must increase. The economic effect of these changes may very well be positive, especially from the perspective of the forest owner.

Bioenergy use has to be based on the residues from mechanical and chemical industry to be utilised near the place where the residues are formed, so that transport and warehousing do not eat away the benefit gained by replacing fossil fuels with biomass. Refining liquid fuels from wood has very low net energy (the energy in the fuel is only slightly higher than the energy used in its production), which means that liquid wood–based fuels should be used only in cases where electrification is impossible and they are to some extent necessary (heavy working equipment, aeroplanes).

The chemical sector already uses most of the residue arising from its own activities. Most of the energy that the chemical sector utilises is derived from burning the black liquor that results from pulp production. The lignin within black liquor is a main ingredient of biomaterials that are intended to replace plastic. This means that substantial new residues for energy use are not to be expected. The production of new biomaterials may diminish the residues that have no other use than burning for energy. Consequently, large cities have to find alternatives besides biomass burning for their district heating systems, as imported biomass also has its economic, ecological and energetic limits.

3. Forests and other land use

To lighten the burden on the atmosphere, emissions must be stopped and natural carbon sinks increased. In addition to carbon from fossil fuels, human activity has released carbon from logging, land clearing and tilling, drainage and agriculture. The use of forests and other land areas has also reduced the carbon sinks.

In many European countries, land and forests are a net source of emissions. However, in Finland, land and forests still function as a net carbon sink, absorbing more carbon than is released through land use, change in land use and forestry. As the most forested country in Europe, Finland has a key role in upholding and increasing carbon sinks and in defining the role of forest sinks in common policy.

There are multiple effective, readily implementable actions: avoiding clearing forests for other use (e.g. roads and residential areas), reforesting fields and grasslands not used in food production, using carbon-sequestering methods of cultivation, stopping the clearing of peatland fields for manure disposal and supporting manure use as feedstock for biogas generation.

Forest sinks and the reforestation of peatlands are clearly the most cost-efficient ways for Finland to decrease its net emissions.

In 2018, the annual level of logging in Finland rose to 78 million m3, leading to a considerable loss of carbon sinks. When the logging levels are viewed from the perspective of climate change, it is important to remember that trees planted in the place of felled ones will reach their fastest rate of growth only after 20–30 years. However, the next 20–30 years are exactly the years during which net emissions have to be brought first to zero and then turned negative. Thus, the logging level should not increase but decrease.

Wood has also been used as raw material for biofuels, replacing fossil fuels. If the raw material comes from trees that would otherwise stay standing or, when fully grown, would be used in longer-lasting products (e.g. furniture or buildings), then the energy use generates no climate benefit. The climate impact of trees felled for energy use is 1.2 to 2 times greater than the continued use of fossil fuels within a period of 30 to 50 years.

Throughout the world, efforts have been made to replace fossil fuels with biofuels. Using waste wood and other waste biomass as well as otherwise unusable logging and process residue is beneficial for the climate. However, the creation of waste and residue should be minimised in the first place. Moreover, waste and residue often have more valuable uses than burning for energy. In Finland, as well as elsewhere, the potential for increasing the use of bioenergy is capped by the limited availability of waste and residue and the negative climate impacts of burning forest biomass.

In sum, the hierarchy of forest use is simple. The highest priority is carbon sequestration and storage, as well as maintaining biodiversity. The second best use is long-lasting products, such as wooden buildings. The third is the chemical wood industry, such as pulp and paper mills. Wood use for energy is only fourth – only wood that, for some reason, cannot be used in higher value products and services can be used for generating bioenergy.

4. Care

Healthcare and medicine progressed by long leaps during the period of high economic growth. They are often seen as its most valuable achievements. Nevertheless, it is clear that ever bigger SUVs, daily meat consumption and plastic toys are not directly and positively linked to the health of the population. It is possible that good prioritising and organisation can maintain or even increase the well-being of the population while climate emissions and the use of natural resources are reduced.

Research has identified many synergies between healthier and less environmentally destructive lifestyles: plant-based diets, informal/incidental exercise and lower levels of air pollution are good examples. Moreover, direct contact with the soil – ‘hands in the dirt’ – whether in terms of rural life, urban agriculture or forest hiking, improves beneficial microflora and, thus, health. In turn, this prevents illness and decreases the demand for health services, making it an important part of reconstruction-era population health.

Furthermore, mental health is under stress in this time of climate change and other environmental crises. Uncertain and darkening views of the future, changing and even disappearing natural environments, demands for changes in lifestyles and careers all exert pressure on mental well-being in many ways. Psychology is only just beginning to recognise and understand phenomena like climate anxiety. Both healthcare professionals and informal communities of support have to learn how to handle these experiences that are gaining in prominence and intensity.

Feminist research has long highlighted the importance of the unpaid and ‘invisible’ work of reproduction, caregiving and emotional support, which typically goes unreported in official labour statistics. The fact that this care for individuals, communities and natural systems has no direct representation in national accounting does not make it any less consequential or valuable.

It is possible that ecological reconstruction will release so much labour from jobs that currently overburden natural systems that care and education taking place outside of wage work will get more time and space. In addition, increasing automation may free labour from routine tasks. This would mean that many fundamental tasks of care can take place in communities instead of in professional services.

The preparation for, and adaptation to, the effects of climate change are largely collective efforts. For instance, during prolonged heat waves, it is important to know one’s neighbours and have skills for preventing accidents and first response. Communities should receive professional and wide-ranging training in these matters.

5. Culture

Cultural change

Climate change and environmental crises have various effects on human experience, culture and worldviews. Individuals need to re-evaluate their values and habits, and adjust their identities, beliefs and perspectives according to the societal and environmental changes taking place. Communicating emerging experiences, feelings and meanings is crucial even if there is no readily available discourse (such as it exists, e.g., within the natural sciences) for sharing these new sentiments and ideas. Environmental research and discussions describe cultural change as a process where people become aware of the environmental impacts and boundaries of their actions, beliefs and habits and start to seek out and create more sustainable alternatives as future foundations.

One example of cultural change is the increasing phenomenon of climate anxiety. The Youth Barometer published in March 2019 showed that young people are increasingly worried about climate change. In Sitra’s Future Barometer 2019, Finnish citizens portrayed familiarity with the facts of climate change and overconsumption of natural resources and experienced these as the most threatening aspects of the future.

Climate anxiety is being expressed increasingly in public discourse and on social media. A large portion of the population has also taken part in the Sitoumus 2050 (Commitment 2050) project, initiated by the working group for sustainable development at the Prime Minister’s Office. Most of the pledges by individuals concern reducing their carbon footprint.

In popular culture, anxiety and worry over climate change, destruction of the environment, loss of biodiversity and resource scarcity are often channelled into a pessimistic view of the future. In television series and movies, visions of environments destroyed by humans and narratives of survival are becoming increasingly grim.

Simultaneously, the entertainment industry is portraying technological utopias and promises of symbiosis between technological and human evolution. The representations of the future in popular culture are deeply contradictory and display the incommensurability between different routine projections and visions of the future.

Cultural change also includes consumer choices. Plant-based diets are becoming popular and more and more people are trying to avoid air travel. Choices are increasingly influenced by the environmental and climate effects of goods and services as well as by the social sustainability of their production. It is also important to note the connection between consumption and identity, and thus between consumption and the polarisation of identities: many Finns feel, for instance, that private cars and eating meat are inalienable aspects of individual freedom and rights.

The construction of a carbon neutral society demands manifold adaptations and negotiations at many levels. However, these adaptations and negotiations need their space and time. Environmental awareness and anxiety about the future are aspects of cultural change. However, cultural change can also be actively endorsed. The tools include political work, education, communication, art and other cultural work.

The necessity of cultural change can be demonstrated by thinking about the size of the transition. If the goals and foundations of one’s life are based on material consumption, and one is faced with the fact that material consumption needs to decrease by 70–80 per cent, it is clear that this fact sounds depressing, if not impossible. However, the goal is not that after ecological reconstruction one would live like before (with the same goals, values, desires and fears), only with fewer things and choices.

Rather, the goal is to live differently, such that the amount of consumption of material resources does not determine feelings of satisfaction, happiness and meaningfulness. It is possible to live ‘more’, but not in the sense of using more material resources. Creating this different life demands a cultural change, which in its most general sense implies changes in all areas of life.

The importance of this cultural change for facing the environmental crises can be illustrated by the following train of thought. Energy production causes over half of all emissions. Energy is used to satisfy human needs and wants. Only a small fraction of the produced energy goes towards satisfying basic needs. Most of it goes to satisfying consumer societies and their consumerist citizens. Consumerism is not the satisfaction of basic needs but a culturally determined habit and identity, where buying, using and discarding goods has a value in itself. A lower level of energy production causes fewer emissions and facilitates transitioning towards low-emission technologies. Currently, the growth of energy production makes substantial emission cuts practically impossible. Consequently, a crucial tool for cutting emissions is to reduce energy consumption and production. In the dominant technological and economic framework, the task of cutting emissions in the energy sector has been handed to engineers and researchers. They should make the impossible possible: to find a way of producing ever more energy while eliminating emissions. Facing this impasse, it is good to ask, ‘What is energy for?’

If the answer is that more and more energy is needed to uphold cultural ideals of (over)consumption, then the obvious next question is, ‘Is it rational to ask the engineers for help in achieving unsustainable ideals or would it be better to direct attention to cultural change towards ideals of a good life within planetary boundaries?’

Societies, technologies and ways of using energy and natural resources have developed historically, and are fundamentally socially and culturally contingent. Therefore, a change in the fundamental logic of how society operates or how technology is used requires work aimed at renewing cultural beliefs and habits. Culture is often taken for granted as something immutable or as something that changes very slowly. Questioning fundamental cultural values, such as consumerism and economic growth, can feel threatening. However, history shows that culture is not a thing but a process. Prevalent cultural values have, at times, disappeared and been replaced by other values, sometimes even very fast, in a matter of a few years or even months.

In the end, achieving climate goals may be much more effective and flexible through cultural change towards ideals based on sustainable livelihoods than through desperate research and development into engineering solutions for fulfilling ever higher levels of consumption on a finite planet.

Basically, it can be said that contemporary culture is characterised by the pursuit of quantity and comfort. The flip-side of this pursuit are experiences of having too little time and loss of meaning. Nothing is enough, and contacts remain shallow. We are running fast, but where to? This is where ecological reconstruction has a lot to offer. Quantity and ease are products of fossil energy – it is possible to invigorate social and cultural life while using less matter and energy.

Our habits regarding everyday objects offer a good example. Many things could be used tens of times longer than they are today – in some cases almost indefinitely. Houses, boats, chairs and pans can, with proper care, maintenance and repair, last for centuries. Even coats and computers can last much longer than the current models do. This would mean a lot less material use. It would also mean that things would not be so easily replaceable and interchangeable – so insignificant. Extended life cycles for everyday objects demand that the user be skilful and able to dedicate time and effort to their use and care. This also demands considerable changes in production: a plastic outer-shell jacket, Apple ear pods or a chipboard shelf are impossible to repair. They are basically waste from the start. The cultural dimensions of objects are by no means limited to their ‘consumption’.

The practices and capabilities of human interaction offer another example. Culture, widely taken, is the sphere where shared meanings are forged and communities are knit together. Cultural resources determine what kinds of worlds we are able to build when material boundaries change and how we experience those changes. Do we have approaches for living with the emotions caused by drastic changes in natural environments? Do we have adequate skills to negotiate a shared future? Can competition and haste give way to communality?

A major goal for ecological reconstruction is to create ways and forums where the cultural aspects of environmental crises can be addressed. In addition to the sciences, the arts are pivotal. Throughout the ages, the arts have experimented with and refined our relationships with natural phenomena, materiality, coexistence and future prospects. They have developed new stories and new ways of telling stories, revealed hidden structures and imagined new alternatives. Arts have opened ways of dealing with joys and sorrows. When the consumerist culture wanes, when its impulses weaken, maybe we will meet more often in the sphere of the arts?